Monday, March 29, 2010

So I should be done with improva tomorrow, it's pretty good stuff so far. Sorry I wasn't available earlier when you called I was with my gf, you know how it is. I only played a few k hands today bc of gf and improva, still running kinda bad. I do feel like i'm playing a lot better though especially in terms of not leveling myself in simple spots as much.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

So I feel like i'm playing better lately. Which is good because if i'm going to run like shit I might as well play well. I would be winning right now, it's just one of those times that every 2-4 outter is guaranteed to hit against you. And I don't really care tbh since I know this is going to even out and honestly I havn't run this bad in a while so I guess i'm owed. Anyways i'm going to try to do most of improva2 today and finish it up tomorrow.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 607236
The Official Hand History Converter

SB: $100.00
BB: $102.50
UTG: $113.30
MP: $110.45
Hero (CO): $229.70
BTN: $157.30

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is CO with A of diamonds 2 of diamonds
2 folds, Hero raises to $3, BTN calls $3, 2 folds

This guy had pretty aggro stats of like 50/40 but only over 30ish hands. We havn't had any showdowns vs one another although I have barreled him a few times in standard spots that he didn't call down in so he could think i'm aggressive.

Flop: ($7.50) A of spades Q of spades 8 of hearts (2 players)
Hero requests TIME, Hero checks, BTN bets $4, Hero requests TIME, Hero calls $4

I decide to go for an x/c on this board instead of a cb given the fact that my kicker doesn't play and I can only value bet vs Qx and draws. Where if I check he can bet a lot of hands. I'm pretty sure this is the right spot to apply this type of concept but given the connectedness of the board I could be wrong.

Turn: ($15.50) 5 of hearts (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN checks

I continue with the same plan let him bet draws or air or whatever.

River: ($15.50) K of diamonds (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $10, Hero calls $10

When he checks back the turn I think he can have Qx a middle pair or maybe a weak A or just a draw/air that didn't want to barrel. On a blank river I would have bet for value assuming he bets his stronger aces on the turn. However when the K hits the river, while no flush draws come in, I now feel like it will be much harder to bet for value vs middle pairs, and a 3rd check might rep a queen or worse by me to the point where villain might stab with his hands that won't win at showdown.

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 607237
The Official Hand History Converter

UTG: $103.50
MP: $102.65
Hero (CO): $112.05
BTN: $100.00
SB: $100.50
BB: $243.85

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is CO with K of diamonds J of diamonds
2 folds, Hero raises to $3, 1 fold, SB calls $2.50, BB calls $2

sb is 47/37 over 22 hands, bb is a 36/15 over 63 hands.

Flop: ($9.00) 2 of spades 2 of clubs J of clubs (3 players)
SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets $6, SB calls $6, BB calls $6

Prob coulda bet 1bb bigger but probably not a big deal.

Turn: ($27.00) 5 of clubs (3 players)
SB checks, BB bets $7, Hero requests TIME, Hero raises to $20, SB folds, BB calls $13

This is really my big question about the hand. I felt like this turn lead is often a hand like 99 with a c or Acxx. My plan was to raise for value and check back any non boat river, maybe bet small if it's a really innocent card.

River: ($67.00) Q of spades (2 players)
BB checks, Hero requests TIME, Hero checks

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players - View hand 597596
The Official Hand History Converter

UTG+1: $60.00
MP1: $51.25
MP2: $90.95
CO: $105.95
BTN: $100.00
SB: $141.90
Hero (BB): $100.00
UTG: $141.50

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BB with T of spades A of spades
3 folds, MP2 raises to $3, 2 folds, SB calls $2.50, Hero calls $2

PFR is 28/14, sb caller is 10/8 I figure I could squeeze here, but this spot should play relatively straightforward postflop, so if I call I can probably attack a lot of pots and these guys won't play back much.

Flop: ($9.00) 6 of hearts Q of spades J of spades (3 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $7, MP2 calls $7, SB folds

So I lead here to take control of the pot with a really big hand, if raised getting it in no prob. He just calls. I figure he will have a 1 pair hand a lot, maybe AK AT KT other weaker straight draws or spades. He probably isn't slowplaying very often here but you never know.

Turn: ($23.00) 3 of clubs (2 players)
Hero bets $15, MP2 calls $15

I think he will fold some 2nd pair type hands or weaker, obv no TP type hands, he could call again with draws too.

River: ($53.00) T of clubs (2 players)

This is where i'm not too sure what to do. I'm not sure if there are enough missed draws in his range to bet the river, or if he will just have too many 1 pair hands he won't fold.

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players - View hand 597606
The Official Hand History Converter

UTG: $136.80
UTG+1: $48.15
MP1: $35.00
MP2: $104.00
CO: $32.95
BTN: $91.00
SB: $144.70
Hero (BB): $108.00

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BB with J of diamonds K of diamonds
5 folds, BTN raises to $3, 1 fold, Hero calls $2

pfr is 27/14 cbets about half the time and then 67% on the turn after that, no river stats.

Flop: ($6.50) J of hearts K of clubs J of clubs (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN checks

Figure this is a good board to go for a check/call and then I would check raise the turn since he has bet the 2barreled a bit already.

Turn: ($6.50) A of hearts (2 players)
Hero bets $5, BTN calls $5

When he checks back the flop I bet the turn to start getting some money in the pot, I don't really think he will have a ton though, A king will likely bet the flop, he could have Ax. Maybe I should go for a check raise on the turn as well because he will bet/call with Ax where with an A he will almost always only flat my bet. He could also try to bluff the turn but since he didn't bluff the flop he either doesn't have a bluff or he doesn't bluff a lot since that's a great spot to cbet.

River: ($16.50) 7 of clubs (2 players)
Hero bets $13, BTN calls $13

I didn't know at this point either if I should go for a check raise as played, or just bet for value. If it were a non flush card I would check raise almost always but since I didn't think he would value bet very much I would just make more from betting.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players - View hand 588324
The Official Hand History Converter

UTG: $67.75
UTG+1: $129.50
MP1: $85.00
MP2: $87.85
CO: $58.50
BTN: $72.40
Hero (SB): $104.65
BB: $61.25

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is SB with K of spades A of diamonds
2 folds, MP1 calls $1, 2 folds, BTN raises to $4.50, Hero requests TIME, Hero raises to $15.50, 2 folds, BTN calls $11

Flop: ($33.00) J of hearts 6 of clubs 7 of diamonds (2 players)
Hero requests TIME, Hero checks, BTN bets $8, Hero raises to $89.15 all in,

Villain is 45/23 over 243 hands fold to 3b of 33%

When I cb in this spot I feel like it's easy to get shipped over vs a stack size like this. So I try to kinda do the opposite to him. I could bet/shove turn I suppose too.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 581438
The Official Hand History Converter

MP: $107.45
CO: $177.75
BTN: $100.00
SB: $100.00
BB: $186.50
Hero (UTG): $102.75

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is UTG with K of spades K of hearts
Hero raises to $3, MP calls $3, 3 folds, BB calls $2

Flop: ($9.50) 8 of spades 4 of diamonds 7 of spades (3 players)
BB bets $6.50, Hero raises to $20, MP folds, BB calls $13.50

Turn: ($49.50) 7 of hearts (2 players)
BB checks, Hero requests TIME, Hero bets $36, BB raises to $163.50 all in, Hero calls $43.75 all in

River: ($209.00) 3 of spades (2 players - 2 are all in)

This guy is 33/19 over 70 hands. I have only been at the table for a few minutes so no recent history. When he overcalls pre he can have a lot of things. I think he would flat with a lot of hands and probably 3bet pretty straightforwardly, he hasn't 3b yet.

When he leads the flop I think he can have a lot of 1 pair type hands, some overpairs, some 8x, or 7x hands, maybe 4x of spades, or 45, 46. He could also have spades and straight draws. He could also have 2 pair, sets or a straight. I figure raise and get it in is a pretty good idea given how many combos of 1 pair type hands there are, draws and how few big hands he can have, he probably isn't calling preflop with 56os, so 4 combos of 56s, 3 of 88, 3 of 44, 3 of 77, 3 87s, means there are only 16 value combos, but the combos of 99-JJ alone are 18.

When he calls my flop raise I put him on the much weaker portion of his range, basically much fewer nut hands although he could slowplay some times. The turn 7 is also a whatever card, while it does improve 7x, I think that is a small part of his range, he is unlikely to have A7, if anything it will be 76s or 75s. It does however make hands like 77 and 87s less likely, there are now only 1 combo of 77 and 2 of 87s, down to 12 total value combos. But if you add in 75s and 67s we're back up to 16 so yeah. I decide to go for good value and just get it in here or shove river if he just calls.

Monday, March 8, 2010

So today I have been focusing on trying to focus on showdowns and try and develop counter strategies vs my opponents. So far it is coming along alright, there is a lot of information out there and even 4 tabling I miss tons of it. So I just have to get better at finding and utilizing as much of the available info out there as possible.

Aside from that still trying to focus on taking my time to make decisions. You are right that I have lots more time to make my decisions but I have to retrain myself to take my time and think. I'm still in the multi tabler mindset and act as quick as I can which is quite counter productive when 4 tabling. I think things will start coming together better in the coming sessions.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, had a lot of stuff going on and a lot of people bothering me for shit. Updates will be back on a regular basis from now on.

In progress: barreling more with air, value betting ranges and bet sizes. Taking my time to make my decisions, I want to try to use more of my time to make each decision because very often I don't think out things very well and I immediately realize I could have made a better play where if I just took a few more seconds to think things through I wouldn't be making the mistake in the first place.

weaknesses: not fighting for pots enough pots with air, giving up too often with made hands.

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 569226
The Official Hand History Converter

BTN: $62.00
SB: $49.00
BB: $124.50
UTG: $42.55
Hero (MP): $112.75
CO: $47.20

CO posts a big blind ($1)

This is obv CO's first hand at the table.

Pre Flop: ($2.50) Hero is MP with 6 of hearts A of hearts
1 fold, Hero raises to $4.50, CO calls $3.50, 3 folds

I think trying to pick up the dead money from MP with A6s is pretty standard. The fish calls which isn't surprising, his range is very wide.

Flop: ($10.50) 9 of spades 6 of diamonds A of spades (2 players)
Hero bets $9, CO calls $9

Good flop so I bet close to pot, when he calls he can have any Ax hand really, TT-KK, 9x, 6x, flush draws, 87, 88, 77, and probably more stuff that I can't imagine peeling the flop with that is standard for him.

Turn: ($28.50) 9 of hearts (2 players)
Hero checks, CO checks

So the turn sucks a lot because I think he will be calling with Ax hands a lot preflop. However I know that he still has a lot of other hands in his range, at this point he had like 33 or something, if I bet anything I have to call a shove and when that happens I don't feel too great about the situation. If I check and he shoves I think it's a pretty easy fold, when he checks back I feel pretty good about my hand. However I realize that I also don't have a very good play for if he bets say between 10bbs-all in. And when I check I do let his hands that check back on the turn acquire some % of free equity.

River: ($28.50) T of hearts (2 players)
Hero bets $14, CO calls $14

I figure he can have a lot of 1 pair hands that can call a river bet when all the draws brick, I didn't want to bet huge though because I wanted a call from like middle 1 pair type hands.

Overall I think I probably should have just kept firing on the turn, i'm not sure what size though, maybe like 20/call a shove. I really hate giving him free equity and I guess the only reason I did it was because the turn card scared me, and i'm not sure if it should be as scary as it is.

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 569233
The Official Hand History Converter

MP: $106.00
Hero (CO): $129.75
BTN: $105.70
SB: $148.45
BB: $80.55
UTG: $54.35

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is CO with Q of clubs A of clubs
1 fold, MP requests TIME, MP raises to $3, Hero requests TIME, Hero calls $3, 2 folds, BB calls $2

MP is 40/40 over 10 hands, nothing else for info on him yet. The BB is a fish whom I have even less hands on, but his stack size gives it away.

I feel like calling here is standard to keep the fish in and because I don't really know how he reacts to 3bets yet, i'd rather not waste a hand like AQs to have him just fold, i'm looking to 3b bluff early in my session, not for value when my image is still good.

Flop: ($9.50) 7 of clubs 3 of diamonds K of clubs (3 players)
BB checks, MP bets $9, Hero calls $9, BB calls $9

So this is a very pivotal point in the hand and i'm not sure if I messed it up. The reasons why I called are: keep the fish in the pot, I have position, I don't know how often he's folding after betting this big on this drawy of a board.

The reasons I can see raising being better are: we can win the pot right now, we can get it in vs dominated draws.

I'm not sure when I should be barreling the turn when I raise the flop and get a single call by the pfr. I also feel like this particular board may not be good for getting it in because my A not even be live if he has a hand like AA or AK, so when I actually do get it in with him I worry my equity isn't even that good. If this were like a T73fd board I would be much more inclined to raise/get it in.

Turn: ($36.50) 3 of hearts (3 players)
BB checks, MP bets $25, Hero folds, BB folds

At this point I don't really think I have odds to continue drawing to a fairly obvious hand.