Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 581438
The Official Hand History Converter

MP: $107.45
CO: $177.75
BTN: $100.00
SB: $100.00
BB: $186.50
Hero (UTG): $102.75

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is UTG with K of spades K of hearts
Hero raises to $3, MP calls $3, 3 folds, BB calls $2

Flop: ($9.50) 8 of spades 4 of diamonds 7 of spades (3 players)
BB bets $6.50, Hero raises to $20, MP folds, BB calls $13.50

Turn: ($49.50) 7 of hearts (2 players)
BB checks, Hero requests TIME, Hero bets $36, BB raises to $163.50 all in, Hero calls $43.75 all in

River: ($209.00) 3 of spades (2 players - 2 are all in)

This guy is 33/19 over 70 hands. I have only been at the table for a few minutes so no recent history. When he overcalls pre he can have a lot of things. I think he would flat with a lot of hands and probably 3bet pretty straightforwardly, he hasn't 3b yet.

When he leads the flop I think he can have a lot of 1 pair type hands, some overpairs, some 8x, or 7x hands, maybe 4x of spades, or 45, 46. He could also have spades and straight draws. He could also have 2 pair, sets or a straight. I figure raise and get it in is a pretty good idea given how many combos of 1 pair type hands there are, draws and how few big hands he can have, he probably isn't calling preflop with 56os, so 4 combos of 56s, 3 of 88, 3 of 44, 3 of 77, 3 87s, means there are only 16 value combos, but the combos of 99-JJ alone are 18.

When he calls my flop raise I put him on the much weaker portion of his range, basically much fewer nut hands although he could slowplay some times. The turn 7 is also a whatever card, while it does improve 7x, I think that is a small part of his range, he is unlikely to have A7, if anything it will be 76s or 75s. It does however make hands like 77 and 87s less likely, there are now only 1 combo of 77 and 2 of 87s, down to 12 total value combos. But if you add in 75s and 67s we're back up to 16 so yeah. I decide to go for good value and just get it in here or shove river if he just calls.

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