Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, had a lot of stuff going on and a lot of people bothering me for shit. Updates will be back on a regular basis from now on.

In progress: barreling more with air, value betting ranges and bet sizes. Taking my time to make my decisions, I want to try to use more of my time to make each decision because very often I don't think out things very well and I immediately realize I could have made a better play where if I just took a few more seconds to think things through I wouldn't be making the mistake in the first place.

weaknesses: not fighting for pots enough pots with air, giving up too often with made hands.

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 569226
The Official Hand History Converter

BTN: $62.00
SB: $49.00
BB: $124.50
UTG: $42.55
Hero (MP): $112.75
CO: $47.20

CO posts a big blind ($1)

This is obv CO's first hand at the table.

Pre Flop: ($2.50) Hero is MP with 6 of hearts A of hearts
1 fold, Hero raises to $4.50, CO calls $3.50, 3 folds

I think trying to pick up the dead money from MP with A6s is pretty standard. The fish calls which isn't surprising, his range is very wide.

Flop: ($10.50) 9 of spades 6 of diamonds A of spades (2 players)
Hero bets $9, CO calls $9

Good flop so I bet close to pot, when he calls he can have any Ax hand really, TT-KK, 9x, 6x, flush draws, 87, 88, 77, and probably more stuff that I can't imagine peeling the flop with that is standard for him.

Turn: ($28.50) 9 of hearts (2 players)
Hero checks, CO checks

So the turn sucks a lot because I think he will be calling with Ax hands a lot preflop. However I know that he still has a lot of other hands in his range, at this point he had like 33 or something, if I bet anything I have to call a shove and when that happens I don't feel too great about the situation. If I check and he shoves I think it's a pretty easy fold, when he checks back I feel pretty good about my hand. However I realize that I also don't have a very good play for if he bets say between 10bbs-all in. And when I check I do let his hands that check back on the turn acquire some % of free equity.

River: ($28.50) T of hearts (2 players)
Hero bets $14, CO calls $14

I figure he can have a lot of 1 pair hands that can call a river bet when all the draws brick, I didn't want to bet huge though because I wanted a call from like middle 1 pair type hands.

Overall I think I probably should have just kept firing on the turn, i'm not sure what size though, maybe like 20/call a shove. I really hate giving him free equity and I guess the only reason I did it was because the turn card scared me, and i'm not sure if it should be as scary as it is.

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 569233
The Official Hand History Converter

MP: $106.00
Hero (CO): $129.75
BTN: $105.70
SB: $148.45
BB: $80.55
UTG: $54.35

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is CO with Q of clubs A of clubs
1 fold, MP requests TIME, MP raises to $3, Hero requests TIME, Hero calls $3, 2 folds, BB calls $2

MP is 40/40 over 10 hands, nothing else for info on him yet. The BB is a fish whom I have even less hands on, but his stack size gives it away.

I feel like calling here is standard to keep the fish in and because I don't really know how he reacts to 3bets yet, i'd rather not waste a hand like AQs to have him just fold, i'm looking to 3b bluff early in my session, not for value when my image is still good.

Flop: ($9.50) 7 of clubs 3 of diamonds K of clubs (3 players)
BB checks, MP bets $9, Hero calls $9, BB calls $9

So this is a very pivotal point in the hand and i'm not sure if I messed it up. The reasons why I called are: keep the fish in the pot, I have position, I don't know how often he's folding after betting this big on this drawy of a board.

The reasons I can see raising being better are: we can win the pot right now, we can get it in vs dominated draws.

I'm not sure when I should be barreling the turn when I raise the flop and get a single call by the pfr. I also feel like this particular board may not be good for getting it in because my A not even be live if he has a hand like AA or AK, so when I actually do get it in with him I worry my equity isn't even that good. If this were like a T73fd board I would be much more inclined to raise/get it in.

Turn: ($36.50) 3 of hearts (3 players)
BB checks, MP bets $25, Hero folds, BB folds

At this point I don't really think I have odds to continue drawing to a fairly obvious hand.


  1. yeah the aqcc hand is close, alot of the time i would just raise the flop and get it in because he can easily reshove worse draws and its usually much better to be the aggressor than the caller. if u call u have to fold the turn though its unliekly he barrels that turn w much air at all plus boards paired so sometimes you're dead. i want u to spend more time, if u cant ingame than atleast out of game, on all your options. can we shove the flop? minraise? what do u think about 3betting preflop? if u call to keep the fish in, how many hands can he really peel on the flop? how many of those are going to fold to a raise (ie do u think fish is folding KT when it goes raise / reraise in front?

    the first hand id probably be more inclined to check / call the river since i dont think hes going to hero you w a pair worse than ax given your line. betting the turn is an option as well. if we bet the turn would we fire a river blank?

  2. i have the first half of bobbo chapter 1 study guide for you, but i need an email to send it to
