Friday, February 26, 2010

In Progress: 3barreling, value betting ranges and bet sizes, paying attention to detail, I make one big blunder here not paying attention to detail and get myself into a gay spot, aside from that hand I havn't been missing much.

Weaknesses: Giving up in too many pots, still forgetting to look at things from my opponents point of view

This hand is history, for the next hand. He was playing 28/22 so far and I didn't really have any better plan than 3b and just play postflop, so whateves.

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 4 players - View hand 558875
The Official Hand History Converter

BTN: $190.60
Hero (SB): $100.50
BB: $196.20
CO: $157.70

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is SB with 9 of clubs 9 of diamonds
CO raises to $3, 1 fold, Hero raises to $11, 1 fold, CO raises to $28, Hero requests TIME, 1 fold

Now onto the hand in question, this one happened about 30 hands after and I had 3b one other person once but not him, this was the 2nd time I 3b him. I forgot about the first hand when I did 3b him here which is obv a terrible mistake I should have made a note on him if I am going to be forgetting things like this. But when it gets back to him and he makes such a suspect looking 4bet, given his large 4b the first time, the history of it being the 2nd time, and the fact that it's a squeeze all seemed fishy enough to make me think he could be bluffing here and folding to a ship enough of the time.

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 558879
The Official Hand History Converter

BTN: $343.95
Hero (SB): $108.15
BB: $185.65
UTG: $36.25
MP: $100.00
CO: $121.90

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is SB with A of hearts 6 of hearts
1 fold, MP raises to $3.50, CO calls $3.50, 1 fold, Hero raises to $15, 1 fold, MP raises to $32, 1 fold, Hero raises to $108.15 all in

Bonus hand vs same player (this will obv be more relevant after I give results of hand 2).

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 558881
The Official Hand History Converter

MP: $100.00
Hero (CO): $104.65
BTN: $96.50
SB: $169.70
BB: $84.90
UTG: $100.00

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is CO with A of diamonds K of spades
UTG raises to $3, 1 fold, Hero calls $3, 1 fold, SB raises to $14, 2 folds, Hero raises to $104.65 all in

Relevant history for this hand: He is a reg who I have played with for prob a year or so now, he's a decent TAG prob a winner but prob not great or else he would have moved up. This hand is actually on the table where the first two hands took place, but he sat in after both of those and all of my other 3b/4b shenanigans have taken place, so he has no idea what i'm doing. Since sitting down I immediately 3b him once co vs his mp and then once again my sb vs his btn, he folded pre both times.

After he 4b to 25 I felt pretty great about this situation, I didn't really want to 5b to like 60 or whatever and risk him calling AK or something fucking stupid so I just shipped pre, I think this has to be pretty standard even 150bbs deep with recent aggro history in some hot reg on reg action.

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 558884
The Official Hand History Converter

CO: $150.65
Hero (BTN): $221.50
SB: $30.25
BB: $100.00
UTG: $138.45

Pre Flop: ($1.00) Hero is BTN with J of diamonds J of spades
2 folds, CO raises to $3, Hero raises to $11, 1 fold, CO raises to $25, Hero raises to $221.50 all in,

1 comment:

  1. you say you dont want him to flat w ak or aq oop. why? what do u gain by having him get those hands in preflop. i want u to do the math on the JJ hand. pick out a calling range for him, or several and look at what ur rsking and what u stand to gain. 5b shoving JJ still might be +ev, but if thats the case, theres usually going to be a more +ev option given leverage here. i dont like hate the play or anything, but i want u to look at the math behiond it. i also want u to elaborate on the ak v jj all in comment because i think its very important, and further more it underscores the difference between winnings and earnings. thinking about it, i want u to write a paragraph about what winnings mean, what earnings mean (in poker sense), and the difference between the 2. sorry for not updating more, have been in process of moving and been really sick.

    the a6s hand is probably a bad shove. its more unlikely hes bluffing twice in a similar manner in a short time frame since they either need to be raelly good or raelly bad to do so. i think sqzing a6s there w/o more info isnt like super great even w a blocker. but well talk more about this the next time we meet. when making aggressive plays i think its important to figure out which are +ev, which are neutral, which are -ev, and how all will ebenefit us not just from ev standpoint, but image standpoint. also some base assumptions were going to operate w in regards to continuing ranges of opponents vs different plays.
