Monday, February 15, 2010

2x Pros:
Has to work less often as a steal
Allows for smaller/more effective cbets.
You can call more 3bets in position.
If you 4b after a minraise, the 4b is often a size which puts the initial 3bettor in an awkward spot from out of position.
Deceptive when you have a big hand

2x Cons:
Harder to build a pot
More multi way pots
Harder to rep a big hand

3x Pros:
Looks normal
Easier to build a pot, and makes it possible to get it in by the river with 100bb stacks.
More money to win postflop
Steals work more often

3x Cons:
You lose more when you open/fold.
You have to cbet larger vs people who have stronger ranges.
You can't call as many 3bets in position.

what is your red line like?

how do i improve the red line without spewing?

does it matter iyo?

Ya bro, chicks dig the red line. ha, I think people massively overrate redline/blueline winnings. Winning is winning imo. I see people with y=-x red lines who crush at 3+ptbb and people with y=x red lines who are breakeven or slight losers. I mean certainly you want to try and find as many spots where you can take pots away without a hand as you can but there's certainly a tradeoff... I don't think I've ever had a W$SD even approaching 50%.

Easiest ways to improve your red line... 3b light more, bluff raise more flops/turns/rivers, value bet wider, float/double float more often in good situations and take it away on the turn/river against abc players, etc

- People should focus on making the best play and not their red or blue line specifically. I assume he does all of the things he says improve your red line, a ton, since his red line is quite massive.

what's the leak most msnl guys have?

just one?

I guess I would say playing without a plan... making an action without having a good idea of how to react to villain's possible reactions or without thinking about possible turn/river implications, bet sizing, etc

Also, betting without knowing why... i.e. not for value/as a bluff, but betting just to bet

- People don't consider enough factors often enough when planning their hands.

- What are the most importent HUD stats for you?

Post flop tendencies. Call cbet vs. raise cbet hands down being the most important... so important to separate these out.

- Nothing to paraphrase here, just adding this in to remind myself to pay more attention to these two stats and not just fold vs cbet.

He values less tables and more focus over SNE he doesn't play fast tables either.

He said: bet the turn in both dude not that close

I was thinking the same thing when reading the hands, that the turn is an easy value bet in both hands.

He said: you should be betting like 68 on this flop with any hand.

I think this is really interesting, and I guess the reason he's saying it is because it allows you to get multiple streets of value with a hand like QQ vs other weaker pairs, or if he had air here he would be using the same size to barrel for balance purposes.

He said: looks like a fold to me, and not super close

I feel like this is one of those donkish calldowns I would make and be like well he can have AQ right? It seems like a lot of other people in the thread felt the same way and that's prob why we're no good. Nutsinho says to fold that AA is more likely than AQ and I think he's prob right, and without AQ in his range we're really in bad shape.

He said: sigh/fold

I'm glad he said to fold here because I have always hated continuing in spots like this with the non nut draw on an already paired board, which is why I tend to fold as well.

He said: turn check is fine to induce random bluff because fish tend to fold shitty hands on scary turns. river clear bet/fold, 8 dollars. preflop is pretty shitty

I used to bet this turn all the time to try and get value from draws and stuff but I would rarely get called and then check the river back and win, I either get raised or much more often, they just fold. I'm assuming he wants to bet 8 dollars on the river because villains range here given the runout, looks extremely weak and he isn't likely to call a bet larger than that.

Also, the reason why he said preflop is shitty is likely because this should have been 3bet pre, not flatted. When you flat an UTG minraise from MP you're pretty much inviting the rest of the table to come along with whatever, I would rather isolate the fish by making it like 6 or 7.

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