Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New goals: Still looking for good spots to 3barrel, I hope the one below is one. I havn't found many lately and i'm looking hard.

In progress: Extracting max valued. bluff raising flops still, but I know there is more I can do with that. Made zero misclicks yesterday i've been taking my time and making better more well thought out decisions.

Weaknesses: Playing too weak postflop, folding too many good hands to just raw aggression regardless of if their line makes sense or not.

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 542463
The Official Hand History Converter

Hero (SB): $100.00
BB: $282.00
UTG: $113.50
UTG+1: $110.15
UTG+2: $71.40
MP1: $38.10
MP2: $211.40
CO: $35.00
BTN: $121.55

BTN is 16/13 his btn PFR (not steal) is 18. He folds to 3bets 64% and 4bets 10%, so he calls 26%. In 3bet pots, his fold to flop cb is 43% and his fold to turn cb is 38% WTSD is 25%.

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is SB with Q of hearts Q of clubs
2 folds, UTG+2 calls $1, 3 folds, BTN raises to $5, Hero requests TIME, Hero raises to $15, 2 folds, BTN requests TIME, BTN calls $10

I haven't 3bet him yet, but this is pretty standard regardless. I think his calling range is something like: AdAh,AdAs,AhAs,JJ-88,AQs-AJs,KQs,AQo-AJo this is 4.8% of total hands. (Which I got from 18%(his opening range) multiplied by 26%(his call 3b). I gave him half of the combo of aces because I think the average player will slowplay sometimes and when they do it is more likely aces than kings. I think he is probably always 4betting AK, QQ, and KK.

Flop: ($32.00) 5 of clubs 7 of diamonds 8 of clubs (2 players)
Hero requests TIME, Hero bets $18, BTN calls $18

I wanted to bet something he could call easily yet large enough where my turn shove is still around pot sized. 18 is the perfect amount for that. I think his continuing range here is: AdAh,AdAs,AhAs,JJ-88,AcJc,AhJh sometimes he will shove the draws and set and other hands but i'm really not sure what % of the time he calls with those hands and how often he shoves.

Turn: ($68.00) A of clubs (2 players)
Hero requests TIME, Hero bets $67 all in

This is a really weird card. His flush draw of AJcc is no longer in his range. So I think the only time this card directly improves his hand is when he has AA, I figure he folds his random overcards on this kind of a flop, it would be really weird to float there. Unless he thinks i'm 1 and done on this board and plans on shoving the turn when I check but folding if I shove and he doesn't improve. I have no idea if he has that kind of read on me though or plays that way so I just assume he won't have an A and I shoved for value. This was against any of the pairs like 99 JJ TT with a club. I know it is really thin because this card hits my range pretty hard so it will make people less inclined to call down vs me, however I really didn't think check/deciding on the turn was a better option. I didn't want to give those worse pair + draws a free card that they would pay for some % of the time.

I could easily see this being a really bad play though because truthfully I have no idea what the right play is here.

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players - View hand 542627
The Official Hand History Converter

SB: $104.35
BB: $35.00
UTG: $101.00
Hero (UTG+1): $107.95
MP1: $145.45
MP2: $100.00
CO: $189.65
BTN: $101.30

Villain in this hand is a reg and I have played with him at this limit and NL50, I recently lost all of my notes in an FTP update so I don't have anything specific on him aside from his stats which are: 20/14 calls opens 20% from the BTN 5% 3b. WTSD is 22, fold to cb by street is 62(21) 0(4) 100(2).

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is UTG+1 with J of diamonds A of spades
1 fold, Hero requests TIME, Hero raises to $3, 3 folds, BTN calls $3, 2 folds

2nd to act 8 handed this is a pretty standard open for me. When this guy calls me I give him a range of something like: JJ-22,AQs-A5s,KJs+,QTs+,J9s+,T8s+,98s,87s,76s,65s,AQo-ATo,KJo+,QJo This is 16% of total hands. I think he is always 3betting AK and QQ+. I didn't give him a full 20% of hands because I am opening from early position and he understands position on a very basic level and does adjust his ranges slightly.

Flop: ($7.50) K of spades T of spades 4 of spades (2 players)
Hero bets $6, BTN calls $6

I could have bet bigger, but I think my size is perfect especially vs this type of player. This player will polarize his range for me on the flop. If he calls my bet, he has a weak hand, pair, maybe a draw to go with it, or maybe just a decent pair. If he raises he has a flush or set, and he will fold all of his garbage.

So when this guy only calls my flop bet, I am fairly certain he is giving me the green light to barrel him off of his hand here.

Turn: ($19.50) 3 of clubs (2 players)
Hero bets $24, BTN calls $24

Turn brick is good, but I need to size my bet so that I can make a credible river shove. I think his calling range is fairly similar to his flop calling range, pairs and draws.

River: ($67.50) 9 of hearts (2 players)
Hero bets $74.95 all in

I feel like this credibly reps a flush or a set on my end, and if he doesn't believe me and calls with like TP or something than I guess we just take a note and move on amirite?

1 comment:

  1. in the first hand if hes aggressive postflop or stabs at all what do u think about going for a c/r? as played u cant realy do much else i doubt he flats the flop w any hand u are beaten by, so betting small and calling it off might be better than a shove. highly doubt theres too much that u can do thats -ev on this turn.

    second hand i think his turn calling range is going to be strong than usual bc of your overbet. for this reason i might not shove the river. id rather just bet bet and then slight overbet shove i think. like when ur going for a 3 barrel as a bluff u want to keep in alot of his weaker hands until the river so u can shove. if hes only getting to river w strong hands then ur line is not going tow ork, yeah i mean truth be told were not really trying to fold out tp although alot of ppl will make big mistkaes and fold tp here vs u. as long as we fold out like TT and stuff w a spade were pretty happy.
