Monday, February 8, 2010

So yesterday I decided to work on a couple specific things that we had talked about and those will also be my primary focus until I feel like I have gotten much better at them. These were getting my cb% higher (by betting more marginal hands in spots like we were talking about), increase my WWSF (it was at 41 before yesterday), and look for more spots to bluff raise the flop, by either raising in position or check raising from out.

I played 2400 hands on stars yesterday and so far i'm at 18/15 flop cb is 70, turn cb is 65, river cb is 71. WWSF is 48, and my flop raise cb is 27. In flatting more and looking to raise more flops my 3b% fell to 2%, so I will also be looking for situations to 3b light as a bluff and also lighter for value vs the bad players. Overall playing this style felt much easier, I took down a lot more pots on the flop and in turn had less turn and river decisions to make which just made playing easier.

Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players - View hand 523222
The Official Hand History Converter

BTN: $107.90
SB: $118.50
BB: $100.00
UTG: $98.40
UTG+1: $109.25
MP1: $101.45
MP2: $33.15
Hero (CO): $100.00

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is CO with 8 of spades 8 of clubs
4 folds, Hero raises to $3, 1 fold, SB calls $2.50, 1 fold

Flop: ($7.00) 6 of hearts 5 of hearts 5 of spades (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $4.50, SB calls $4.50

Turn: ($16.00) 2 of spades (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $8, SB calls $8

River: ($32.00) 5 of diamonds (2 players)
SB checks, Hero checks

Villain in this hand is a 14/13, 3b from the blinds vs steal is 33% from the bb and 0 from the sb, given i'm on the CO and he's in the SB I would assume he isn't 3betting very often here pre. HIs call open is only 2% total, 0% from the blinds, this is all over 153 hands.

This is what I expect his range to be preflop:

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 54.612% 53.80% 00.81% 80144404 1211288.00 { 8c8s }
Hand 1: 45.388% 44.57% 00.81% 66403468 1211288.00 { TT-55, AQs-ATs, KJs+, AQo-AJo, KQo }

Due to his low call open% I didn't give him 44-22 in the blinds and I don't think he's getting much looser than that with the broadway, and I figured him 3betting JJ+ and AK is pretty standard but I wasn't quite sure what to do with AQ, so I just put them in the call range. More often than not in FR i'll assume somebody is a little nittier rather than a little laggier due to the passivity of these games.

I bet the flop to get him off of his bare overs and to get value from 77. I figure he is calling the flop with all the pairs he called with preflop, as well as his overcards+fds
Board: 6h 5h 5s

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 35.276% 33.57% 01.70% 9306 472.50 { 8c8s }
Hand 1: 64.724% 63.02% 01.70% 17469 472.50 { TT-55, AhQh, AhJh, AhTh, KhQh, KhJh }

Our equity kinda sucks here vs his continuing range, I didn't think it would before running it through stove. This doesn't affect our flop betting decision does it?

On the turn I decided to bet half pot to rep a draw or something to try and get another call out of a weaker pair, and kinda set my price for showdown. I think he is continuing with the same range as before, which surprisingly leaves us with a very small equity edge on a brick coming out. I figured his equity getting cut from his draws would give us a lot better equity in the pot than this
Board: 6h 5h 5s 2s

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 36.851% 35.06% 01.79% 432 22.00 { 8c8s }
Hand 1: 63.149% 61.36% 01.79% 756 22.00 { TT-55, AhQh, AhJh, AhTh, KhQh, KhJh }

On the river if my ranges are accurate we should have the best hand 43% of the time according to stove. At the time of the hand I didn't think there was enough value in betting, and given stove says we're good 43% I think that makes it a pretty clear check. If our hand were 99 however on the river we would have 65% equity which clearly makes this a bet.

Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players - View hand 523270
The Official Hand History Converter

BTN: $97.50
Hero (SB): $129.60
BB: $100.00
UTG: $211.30
UTG+1: $163.65
MP1: $100.00
MP2: $100.00
CO: $108.55

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is SB with Q of clubs Q of spades
2 folds, MP1 calls $1, 3 folds, Hero raises to $4, BB calls $3, MP1 calls $3

Flop: ($12.00) 8 of hearts J of diamonds 6 of clubs (3 players)
Hero bets $8, BB folds, MP1 calls $8

Turn: ($28.00) 5 of clubs (2 players)
Hero bets $15, MP1 calls $15

River: ($58.00) 5 of diamonds (2 players)
Hero bets $25, MP1 raises to $73 all in, Hero folds

Villain is a 13/10 with an open limp from mp of 3%. The thing about him limping 3% is it's likely going to be a very defined 3%, like maybe he only limps small pairs or mid suited connectors or suited aces. I think it's unlikely that his range here is like 55, 67s and A5s. Since he's a nit and nits tend to have a hardon for small pairs more than anything else than I guess that's what my best guess of his range would be, although it would be foolish to discount any medium strength hand that he could potentially take this line with. Obv I have no prior history with him limping and havn't seen it from him yet. With that said I don't really know how to use stove for a hand like this where i'm really not too sure of his range to begin with.

Pre I usually make it 5x out of the SB with 1 limper but I must have misclicked or something.

The BB in this hand is an 18/15 who calls opens 8% of the time.

On the flop I decided to bet 2/3rds pot because I am trying to extract value from worse pairs, most likely 2nd pair type hands. To do this I feel like a 2/3rds bet will work better than like an 80+% bet, and i'm also setting myself up to get away cheap if either of them raises this street or later in the hand.

On the turn when I am up against only the preflop limper I feel like he can have a marginal hand here like 87 or 76, he could have just hit with 97 or 65, or he could be slowplaying with 66 or 88, if he is slowplaying I think 66 is much more likely as 88 will almost always be open raising pre.

I chose to bet slightly more than half pot on the turn to continue with my plan from the flop, and I think this turn bet has 2 advantages, which are: I lose less when he raises, and given the way the board is coming out, a half pot bet will make him much more inclined to raise when I am beat. Plus I still extract value from his medium strength hands, although I do give hands like 87 near odds to draw, I would rather do that and still give myself chance to bet/fold on the river.

So when the river comes another 5 I bet 25 into 58 to try to get value from really any marginal hand he doesn't want to fold. When he ships I assume he has 65 or a slowplayed set. I figured all of his sets and straights would raise the turn (I don't think this is a straight by him on the river), but i'm sure some players will still slowplay here some % of the time.

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