Saturday, February 20, 2010

New Goals: I need to pay more attention to my decisions, note more stats/ try harder to not misread or not notice a stack size. Trying to notice how things look from my opponents perspective.

In Progress: Value bet sizing, working on extracting more and just overall betting larger for value in a lot more spots. Finding spots to barrel. I have been 1 and done betting a lot less and putting in more barrels more often, still looking for more spots to apply this.

Weaknesses: Playing too weak/tight. Not paying good enough attention to all of my opponents/stats.

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 7 players - View hand 548546
The Official Hand History Converter

UTG: $238.35
UTG+1: $41.15
MP: $39.00
Hero (CO): $230.55
BTN: $70.00
SB: $150.55
BB: $89.50

HIs UTG open is 16%, his fold to 3b is 0. His fold to flop cb is 33%(3) on the flop, 0 (2) on turn 0 (1) on river WTSD is 27. this is all over 163 hands

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is CO with K of hearts K of diamonds
UTG raises to $3, 2 folds, Hero raises to $10, 3 folds, UTG calls $7

I 3b him because he opens a lot and he doesn't seem to want to fold very often pre or postflop. Right after I 3bet him I realized we are 230 deep, had I noticed this before I would have 3b a couple big blinds more. This is because we are deep and I want to build a bigger pot with somebody who probably won't want to fold.

Flop: ($21.50) 3 of clubs 9 of diamonds T of spades (2 players)
UTG checks, Hero bets $14, UTG calls $14

I think his check call range will have a lot of 1 pair hands in it, maybe even AK/AQ if he's not in a folding mood. It could be Tx, JJ, QQ, 88, 77, or maybe even like A9s or something.

Turn: ($49.50) 6 of hearts (2 players)
UTG checks, Hero bets $28, UTG calls $28

I think most of his range that called the flop will call the turn, he picks some additional equity with his mid 1 pair hands.

River: ($105.50) T of diamonds (2 players)
UTG checks, Hero bets $42, UTG calls $42

When he checks the river I don't think he has a ten, if he lead for a sizable amount I would have folded. I wanted to bet for value vs any non Tx hand. My bet was on the smaller size to not scare off mid pairs and such.

Looking back in this hand I realize that I probably should have bet bigger on every street. I am not used to playing deep and trying to size my bets to get a lot more than 100bbs in by the river but I think I should have at least bet the flop larger and a little bigger on the turn.

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players - View hand 548551
The Official Hand History Converter

Hero (BB): $109.45
UTG: $35.00
UTG+1: $151.70
MP1: $101.50
MP2: $119.60
CO: $402.45
BTN: $100.00
SB: $128.90

This guy is playing 16/9. BTN steal 17, aggression by street is 2.5/1.5/3.0 or 27/29/25 WTSD is 23 WWSF 34 over 973 hands.

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BB with J of diamonds 8 of diamonds
5 folds, BTN raises to $2, SB calls $1.50, Hero calls $1

Pretty standard call getting 5 to 1 vs a fish opening.

Flop: ($6.00) 7 of hearts 5 of spades 6 of spades (3 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $4, BTN calls $4, SB folds

I flop pretty decent equity and get 1 check to me so I decided to stab and see if I could get the pfr to fold any random garbage. When he doesn't fold I think there are a shitload of hands he could have given his preflop minraising range. He will call with 5x, 6x, 7x, 4x, 8x, spades, overcards with a gutter, the better ace highs in his range. Theres stuff i'm leaving out I know but his calling range is wide and that's my point.

Turn: ($14.00) 9 of hearts (2 players)
Hero bets $10, BTN raises to $20, Hero calls $10

Turn is a good card when he minraises I put him on an eight really a very large portion of the time. I don't really know if people bluff like this, if so it would likely be with a flush draw since if they do get called they still have outs but that seems pretty weird imo.

I called because I didn't think the value of my 4 out freeroll would be worth getting in, when he could have a 9 out freeroll against me. I could just call the river and then call a vast majority of rivers, sometimes folding if something really weird happens like a flush draw comes in and he shoves.

River: ($54.00) T of diamonds (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $37, Hero raises to $83.45 all in, BTN folds

So I river yhatzee and figure if he has an 8 he's going to lose all of his money if I CRAI, and if he somehow has a bluff I give him a chance to bet since all the flush draws bricked. I was really surprised when he folded, guess people do bluff here. I suppose there's a slight chance he had a worse hand for value but I find that very hard to believe he bets that much on the river with like a set or two pair.

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 548553
The Official Hand History Converter

UTG+1: $66.50
UTG+2: $36.35
MP1: $117.30
MP2: $62.45
CO: $25.25
Hero (BTN): $324.80
SB: $60.00
BB: $148.55
UTG: $88.00

UTG+2 posts a big blind ($1)

MP is 54/9 and CO is 35/6 very few hands on either of them.

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BTN with Q of hearts K of hearts
1 fold, UTG+1 calls $1, UTG+2 checks, 1 fold, MP2 raises to $2, CO calls $2, Hero raises to $10, 4 folds, MP2 calls $8, CO raises to $25.25 all in, Hero requests TIME, Hero raises to $324.80 all in, 1 fold

When MP minraises I obv give him a weak range. When the CO calls I figure he is pretty weak as well and I 3b. As a result of playing too many tables I didn't notice CO's stack size. So when it gets back to MP and he calls I put him on a range that really wants to see a flop. I don't think he is expecting the CO to shove and planning some type of re shove trap behind both of us.

So when the CO does shove I figure he is just doing it because he's like ah fuck there's so much in the pot already and I have only 25bbs lets go with it. Since I initially put him on a weak range I don't think his range changed, just his mentality, and since I didn't think that MP had a strong range I shoved. If MP had like an 80+ bb stack I probably would have just called and let the hand play itself postflop, but who knows maybe putting in a sizable 4bet then is also an option given his weak range.

Flop: ($64.50) 4 of diamonds J of diamonds 2 of spades

Turn: ($64.50) K of spades

River: ($64.50) 4 of clubs

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players - View hand 548554
The Official Hand History Converter

UTG: $173.60
UTG+1: $167.90
MP1: $146.85
Hero (MP2): $101.50
CO: $188.15
BTN: $67.00
SB: $142.60
BB: $152.05

CO is a 15/11 with a 3b from the CO of 5%. I assume when you have me opening in MP2 it will go up a little from 5% but not likely a huge amount.

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is MP2 with K of clubs A of hearts
3 folds, Hero raises to $3, CO raises to $10, 3 folds, Hero requests TIME, Hero calls $7

So when he does 3b I decide to flat vs 4b and get it in and that was because he continuation bets a lot, so I figure I can check/shove a lot of flops and he is likely to barrel the boards that hit my hand.

Flop: ($21.50) 6 of spades K of diamonds Q of diamonds (2 players)
Hero checks, CO checks

I figure he'll bet all of his air here so I go for a ch/c to get some value out of all of his bluff range. When he checks back I put him on a pair worse than TP, maybe like an AQ type hand, or JJ/TT

Turn: ($21.50) 5 of hearts (2 players)
Hero bets $14, CO calls $14

I lead the turn for value, I think my size is fine because a larger bet might rep a bigger hand than he's willing to pay off vs. Usually when people check back pairs in 3b pots it's not with the intention of calling off big bets on further streets as a big bet reps a hand trying to get value that it missed on the previous street.

River: ($49.50) 7 of hearts (2 players)
Hero requests TIME, Hero bets $29, CO requests TIME, CO folds

I still think his range is decently weaker than TP so I bet on the smaller side trying to squeeze out some value but he doesn't bite.

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